Why should we use MyCommunitySite?2022-04-25T18:36:13+00:00

Not only do we make it easy for you to create your association website, we will also ensure your compliance with Florida law (for those that need to be).  Our service is inexpensive, secure and very easy to use. We also offer free support and management plans if you need them!

Who will be hosting our new site?2022-04-25T18:40:26+00:00

You subscription includes secure hosting on the MyCommunitySite.com servers.

Who owns the domain name?2022-04-25T18:40:05+00:00

You do!  When you register for the service, you’ll be able to create a free subdomain for your site (example: yourassociationname.mycommunitysite.com).  This can be used for your public site.  If you prefer, you can use a domain name you already own or register a new domain name.  Just contact us and we’ll be happy to help you point that domain to your new site.

Who owns the domain name?2022-04-25T18:37:36+00:00

You do!  When you register for the service, you’ll be able to create a free subdomain for your site (example: yourassociationname.mycommunitysite.com).  This can be used for your public site.  If you prefer, you can use a domain name you already own or register a new domain name.  Just contact us and we’ll be happy to help you point that domain to your new site.

What kind of support is offered once we sign up?2022-04-25T18:39:23+00:00

Chat, email and phone!  Let us know how we can help!

My team isn’t technical – do we need to be developers to maintain the site once it’s launched?2022-04-25T18:39:03+00:00

Nope!  The service is designed so you can easily create, update and manage your site and documents without any programming at all.  And, if you need help, we are a chat or phone call away!

Is my content customizable?2022-04-25T18:41:27+00:00

Yes!  You can create pages based on your specific site requirements and upload content that is unique to your association needs.

If we sign, how long are we locked into our contract/subscription?2022-04-25T18:42:11+00:00

The service is offered month to month and you may cancel your subscription at any time.  We do offer a discount if you sign up for a full year.

How secure are my site and my documents?2022-04-25T18:40:46+00:00

We use industry standard encryption (SSL) for your site and your documents.  Your data is secure and we never share your information.

How quickly will my site be live?2022-04-25T18:39:45+00:00

Your site can be set up in the same day. Simply sign up, select a template, add content and launch!

How much does the service cost?2022-04-25T18:37:14+00:00

There are no up-front development costs or set-up fees.  Our service is subscription-based and will be tiered to provide options.  The base price is $60 per month and includes unlimited support during start up.

How do we know which documents are in compliance?2022-04-25T18:38:43+00:00

The template and features offered will prompt users to upload required documents in accordance with the law.  If you are a Becker client, your attorney will be happy to review your new website to ensure that it is compliant at their normal hourly rate.  If you are not a Becker client, and you have questions, we encourage you to speak with your own attorney.

How do I contact a live person?2022-04-25T18:43:06+00:00

We are available by chat, email and phone.  We are here and happy to answer questions or provide support. Give us a call: (877) 338-1110.

How can we use our paper documents?2022-04-25T18:41:46+00:00

If you do not have the ability to scan and upload your documents on your own, we offer a plan which includes the option of sending us your documents to scan and upload them to your site for you.

How can I use MyCommunitySite to help with the challenges related to social distancing brought about by Covid-19?2022-04-25T18:43:26+00:00

We have published an article related to this topic!  Please read more here.

Do you support ALL HOA’s and Condos?2022-04-25T18:36:47+00:00

Yes!  The service is designed to provide all HOA’s and Condo Associations, of any size, the flexibility you need to manage all of your association documentation and information.

Do we get email accounts with our site?2022-04-25T18:37:57+00:00

We can redirect any forms on your site to emails that you designate.  If you need an email account for your site, please contact us and we will assist you in setting up an email if you have a current website and domain name or provide additional options.

Can you help us market our new site?2022-04-25T18:42:34+00:00

There is an option for you to email your association members when you launch your site.  If you are also creating public pages to market your association, we can support you with customized marketing options.  Reach out and we’ll be glad to help!

Can I pick a design for my site?2022-04-25T18:41:06+00:00

Yes!  You can select a theme for your site.  We’ll be adding more themes periodically to provide you with the most customized experience.

Are there limits to how many documents we can upload or the size of those documents?2022-04-25T18:38:20+00:00

Nope!  You can upload all the documents you need to create your site and maintain compliance with legal requirements.

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